Garden Products » Lechuza Planters » Lechuza OJO Planting Flower Pots for Children (Aquamarine)
Green-fingered fun!
LECHUZA and PLAYMOBIL have teamed up to create OJO: The playful self-watering flower pots to help get children interested in the world of gardening.
Gardening can benefit children in so many special ways; helping them develop their green fingers is going to enhance their lives and help the environment too.
When your plant needs more water, Ojo's eyes indicate how much is left in the water reservoir, so children can easily top him up.
OJO, the innovative PLAYMOBIL friend for your plants, is available in 6 hair colours: ruby pink, apple green, aquamarine, ocean blue, fire red, and raven black.
The all-in-one set includes the planter, special interactive eyes, and a stick irrigation system.
Ojo can also be styled by your child. The planter can be customised with a choice of hairstyles thanks to the accompanying wheatgrass plant set. The set includes a pack of organic wheatgrass seeds, which grow into bushy plants, hence creating the hairstyle of choice.
(Plus wheatgrass is packed full of vitamins and antioxidants)
Setting up your Plant Head seed set is a great way of getting kids into nature.
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